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You can use the functions in this package with model files defined locally in your own projects, provided they fit the EPACmodel paradigm. It is easiest to start with files from a packaged model as a guide (like the five-year-age-groups model files).

Here is a list of requirements for locally-defined models:

  • Models are defined in a models/[model-name] subdirectory of the main project folder ([model-name] is a placeholder)
  • The following files must appear in models/[model-name] to define a model:
    • The standard set of model definition files required by macpan2, including:
      • variables.csv
      • derivations.json
      • settings.json
      • flows.csv
    • default_values.rds, containing a named values list that includes specific numeric values for all quantities that must be specified for a model simulator to run (e.g. parameter values, initial conditions, etc.)
    • simulator-expression.R, containing an expression for the model simulator as specified by a macpan2::TMBSimulator() object
  • The following files may optionally appear in models/[model-name] to define a model:
    • run-before-model.R, including any code that should be run before the simulator expression, to help initialize it
    • run-after-model.R, including any code that should be run after the simulator expression, to modify it, including any scenario-based modifications
    • README.Rmd, describing the model and any defined scenarios
  • Any helper functions required to generate a model simulator should appear in R/helpers_[model-name].R, where R/ is a subdirectory of the main project folder.

One can use package functions to work with locally-defined models by using the local = TRUE flag:

list_models(local = TRUE)
make_simulator( = "my-model", local = TRUE)