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casteval includes several scoring funcions, such as accuracy(), log_score(), and bias(). These functions can be passed to score(), plot_forecast(), etc., or they can be used directly for scoring.

In general, scoring functions accept the following arguments:

In order for scoring to be possible, fcst and obs must use the same time type. If fcst or obs contain times not contained by the other, these times will be ignored when scoring.

If the forecast object includes a forecast date, then all data prior to fcst$forecast_time will be ignored when scoring.

The summarize flag

Many scoring functions calculate intermediate scores for each time point, and then select/combine those scores in order to return a single value. These functions accept an optional summarize parameter, which is a boolean.

If summarize is TRUE (the default), the scoring function will usually return the score as a single number1.

If summarize is FALSE, the scoring function will return a data frame with time, obs, and score columns, containing the observations and scores calculated for each time point that was scored. The type of the score column is not necessarily numeric (for example, in accuracy(), it is logical).

Scoring functions

Below we describe the behaviour of all the builtin scoring functions. See the function documentation for details.

Accuracy score

accuracy() calculates the proportion of observations that fall inside a quantile interval of the forecast data.

If the forecast contains summarized forecast data, accuracy will be calculated using the provided quantiles. If the forecast contains raw forecast data, you can use the quant_pairs parameter to specify a pair of quantiles (e.g., c(2.5, 97.5)) or a list of pairs of quantiles (e.g., list(c(2.5, 97.5), c(10, 90))) against which to calculate accuracy. If a list of pairs of quantiles is provided, a separate score will be calculated for each pair.

If summarize is TRUE, then the score(s) will be returned as a vector of numbers from 0 to 1, one score per quantile pair. If summarize is FALSE, an accuracy score will be provided for each observation (as a boolean). If more than one pair of quantiles is requested, then the returned data frame will contain an additional column named pair, which will indicate which quantile pair each score corresponds to.


# A forecast with raw data
fc1 <- create_forecast(data.frame(
  time=rep(1:5, each=11),
  val=rep(0:10, 5)

# A forecast with quantile data
fc2 <- create_forecast(dplyr::tibble(

# Another forecast with quantile data
fc3 <- create_forecast(data.frame(

obs <- data.frame(time=1:5, val_obs=c(0, 2.4, 5, 9.5, 10))

# Calculate accuracy from raw data
accuracy(fc1, obs, quant_pairs=c(25, 75))
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(25, 75)
#> Used 5 time points to calculate accuracy
#> [1] 0.2
# Calculate the accuracy for every quantile pair present
accuracy(fc2, obs)
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(5, 95), c(10, 90), c(25, 75)
#> Used 5 time points to calculate accuracy
#> [1] 0.6 0.4 0.2
# Calculate the accuracy for a subset of quantile pairs
accuracy(fc2, obs, quant_pairs=list(c(5,95), c(25,75)))
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(5, 95), c(25, 75)
#> Used 5 time points to calculate accuracy
#> [1] 0.6 0.2
# Calculate accuracy for only one quantile pair
accuracy(fc2, obs, quant_pairs=c(5, 95))
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(5, 95)
#> Used 5 time points to calculate accuracy
#> [1] 0.6
# If `forecast_time` is NULL, every time point in the forecast will be scored
accuracy(fc3, obs)
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(2.5, 97.5)
#> Used 5 time points to calculate accuracy
#> [1] 0.4
# Otherwise, everything prior to `forecast_time` will be ignored
fc3$forecast_time <- 3
accuracy(fc3, obs)
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(2.5, 97.5)
#> Used 3 time points to calculate accuracy
#> [1] 0.6666667
# We can see what is happening behind the scenes by passing `summarize=FALSE`
df <- accuracy(fc3, obs, summarize=FALSE)
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(2.5, 97.5)
#>   time val_obs score pair
#> 1    3     5.0 FALSE    1
#> 2    4     9.5  TRUE    1
#> 3    5    10.0  TRUE    1
#> [1] 0.6666667
# `pair` column maps rows to quantile pairs
accuracy(fc2, obs, summarize=FALSE)
#> Scoring accuracy using quantile pairs c(5, 95), c(10, 90), c(25, 75)
#>    time val_obs score pair
#> 1     1     0.0 FALSE    1
#> 2     2     2.4  TRUE    1
#> 3     3     5.0  TRUE    1
#> 4     4     9.5  TRUE    1
#> 5     5    10.0 FALSE    1
#> 6     1     0.0 FALSE    2
#> 7     2     2.4  TRUE    2
#> 8     3     5.0  TRUE    2
#> 9     4     9.5 FALSE    2
#> 10    5    10.0 FALSE    2
#> 11    1     0.0 FALSE    3
#> 12    2     2.4 FALSE    3
#> 13    3     5.0  TRUE    3
#> 14    4     9.5 FALSE    3
#> 15    5    10.0 FALSE    3

Logarithmic score

log_score() calculates the (positive) log score of a forecast. It uses Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) to obtain a probability distribution of forecasted values at each point in time in the forecast. If f(x) is the estimated probability distribution and x_0 is the corresponding observation, then the log score at that point in time is log(f(x_0)) (where log() is the natural logarithm).

The forecast must contain raw data with 2 or more values per time point.

If summarize is TRUE, one score will be returned and it will be based on either the score at time at or at fcst$forecast_time + after, depending on whether at or after is provided. (Only one is accepted at a time.)

If summarize is FALSE, then at and after are ignored, and the output will be a data frame as described above, with scores for each observation.

The KDE requires a bandwidth in order to calculate the forecast distribution at each observation time. If bw is not provided, then a reasonable bandwidth will be automatically determined. Otherwise, the value of bw (which must be a number greater than 0) will be used. See ?log_score for more details.

Visualizing the KDE

When evaluating forecasts using log_score() you may want to inspect inspect the KDE as a confidence check, especially if the forecast data is very sparse. You may also want to see how setting the bw parameter affects the resulting distribution, or whether the automatically calculated bandwidth is acceptable.

plot_KDE() allows you to do this. Like log_score(), it accepts the parameters fcst, obs (which is now optional), at, after, and bw. It also accepts the optional parameters from, to, n, and binwidth (not to be confused with bandwidth). See ?plot_KDE for a detailed explanation of these extra parameters.

plot_KDE() will plot the following elements:

  • the data points of the fcst and/or obs at the time point specified by at or after
  • a histogram showing the distribution of fcst’s data points (once again specified by at or after), normalized to integrate to 1 in order to be comparable to a probability density
  • the density curve calculated by the KDE


# generated using `rnorm(20) + 10`
d <- c(10.609344, 10.383797, 11.102006, 10.232616, 11.372632, 11.489963, 10.359282, 10.303749,
  7.477219,  9.612921,  8.568241, 11.467244,  9.979756, 10.226105, 9.592584,  9.582751,  8.674618,
  8.706757,  9.810594, 10.752879)

fcst <- create_forecast(
  data.frame(time=rep(1:5, each=20), val=rep(d,5)),

obs <- data.frame(time=1:5, val_obs=c(2, 7, 10, 11, 100))

# get the score at time 3
log_score(fcst, obs, at=3)
#> [1] -0.9654438
# get the score at time `fcst$forecast_time + 2` (4)
log_score(fcst, obs, after=2)
#> [1] -1.319126
# get all the scores as part of a data frame
log_score(fcst, obs, summarize=FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>    time val_obs    score
#>   <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     2       7   -3.67 
#> 2     3      10   -0.965
#> 3     4      11   -1.32 
#> 4     5     100 -Inf
# check the KDE at time 4 with default binwidth
# the observation point shows up as a vertical line
plot_KDE(fcst, obs, at=4)
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# check the KDE at time 4 with a too-low binwidth (making the resulting distribution very jagged)
plot_KDE(fcst, obs, at=4, bw=0.2)
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# check the KDE at time 4 with a too-high binwidth (resulting in an underconfident distribution)
plot_KDE(fcst, obs, at=4, bw=2)
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS)

crps() is the Continuous Ranked Probability Score. It is similar to the log_score() in that it can only be performed on raw forecast data, since it requires a distribution of predicted observations at each fixed time. However, it works using the cumulative distribution function of the predicted observations at each time (and not the probability density function), so does not rely on kernel density estimation. It is also penalizes inaccurate forecasts less harshly than log_score().


dat <- rnorm(20) + 10

fc <- create_forecast(data.frame(time=rep(1,20), val=dat))
obs1 <- data.frame(time=1, val_obs=10)
obs2 <- data.frame(time=1, val_obs=100)

# the closer the score is to 0, the better
crps(fc, obs1, at=1)
#> [1] 0.2897223
# note how inaccuracies are not penalized as harshly as with `log_score()`
crps(fc, obs2, at=1)
#> [1] 89.10485


bias() calculates how much a forecast overpredicts and underpredicts each observed value, and returns the result as a number between -1 and 1, where -1 means all observations were underpredicted and 1 means all observations were overpredicted.

bias() looks for three kinds of forecast data:

  1. raw data (val)
  2. mean data (val_mean)
  3. median data (val_q50)

It uses the first of these that it can find to calculate the bias.


obs <- data.frame(time=1:5, val_obs=rep(10,5))

# this forecast 
fc1 <- create_forecast(dplyr::tibble(
  val=c(9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11)

bias(fc1, obs, summarize=FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>    time val_obs score
#>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     1      10  -1  
#> 2     2      10  -0.5
#> 3     3      10   0  
#> 4     4      10   0.5
#> 5     5      10   1
fc2 <- create_forecast(data.frame(

bias(fc2, obs)
#> [1] -0.4444444
fc3 <- create_forecast(data.frame(time=1:3, val_mean=c(12,12,10)))
bias(fc3, obs)
#> [1] 0.6666667
fc4 <- create_forecast(data.frame(time=1:3, val_q50=c(0,0,0)))
bias(fc4, obs)
#> [1] -1

Defining your own scoring functions

You can define your own scoring functions and use them just as you would casteval’s built-in scoring functions. Like the functions described above, it should accept a forecast object fcst, an observations data frame obs, and possibly additional arguments. If your scoring function returns a score for each observation (in the same way that summarize=FALSE does for the functions above), then the plotting functions can readily use this added information when visualizing forecast scores (discussed further below).